1.       Over 90% of the cases Dirk von Guenthner is engaged to provide expert services actually settle.


2.       Occasionally, counsel will engage Dirk von Guenthner as a “Consultant”. This engagement manner allows counsel to use his expert services without exposing certain details and facts of the matter to others.


3.       Dirk von Guenthner has been qualified as an expert witness in the following areas:

          a.       Forensic Accountant;

          b.       Accountant;

          c.        Real Estate expert; and,

          d.       Economic expert.


4.       Upon completion of the Voir Dire of Dirk von Guenthner in trials or tribunals, he has never been refused the opportunity to testify.


5.       Dirk has been trained in seminars on “how to testify”.


6.       Dirk prepares his cases so that the logic and theory of his work product can be simply explained so that the trier of fact will be able to understand and rely upon his expert report and testimony.


7.       When testifying, Dirk listens to questions and answers them honestly.


8.       He prepares trial questions for counsel to follow and speaks in a fashion to allow the court reporter to easily record his testimony.


9.       Dirk has testified many times over his thirty year career in providing expert witness services to his clients.


10.     Dirk often designs charts to illustrate complex issues in trial that simplify and corroborate related issues.